3 ways to binge-watch with your friends while under quarantine

The Conflux Crew has made it a regular habit to visit each others' houses and binge-watch a series or a string of movies while chowing down on some choice snacks every few months or so. We had planned on watching the much-talked about 2gether the Series, and were hopeful to meet up after the lockdown.

Unfortunately, we all know what happened there! ("after the lockdown" still hasn't happened)

Luckily, the Kosmi website came to the rescue, as it allowed us to group-watch the series while we were all in our own houses. Admittedly, it was kinda depressing not being able to squeal in each other's faces (and tear each other's hairs) over the romantic BL moments, it was great that we could still discuss the series at length as the series progressed instead of watching by our lonesome. Thanks Kosmi!

Although lockdown restrictions have eased up in various degrees all across the globe, COVID 19 is still a serious and real threat. We really need to restrict our trips out to only the essentials, and that means not seeing our friends for a long while. Fret not! Modern technology is on our side, and even if we are miles apart we can flail and squeal about our favorite movies and shows while staying safe at home through the following apps:

1. Kosmi

Kosmi is the easiest app to use in the list, and possibly the most jam packed with activities. Just visit the website, open a room, and invite your friends! You can connect videos from YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, etc., and even upload your own video clips. For intense reactions, a chat box is available on the right side of the screen. For reactions that can't be typed, you can do a voice call with your friends and scream your heart out. If you're not up for a movie, you can even play games.

Visit Kosmi here.

2. Netflix Party 

Unfortunately, as the name implies, this service is only available for streaming Netflix shows. On the plus side, only one person in your group needs to have a Netflix account, and all of you could watch. Sweet deal! You'll have to download the Google Chrome extension, but aside from that, operating the service is smooth sailing. Simply set up the show you want to watch, send the link to your friends, and start the party. Any violent reactions can be directed towards the dedicated chat box on the right.

Install the Netflix Party extension here.

3. Kast

Kast was formerly known as Rabb.it, and is one of the first watch party apps around. You'll need to create an account, as well as the other people in your watch party (you can use your Google account). You can stream videos from Tubi and YouTube, although accessing YouTube from Kast can be kinda confusing (it's hard to find a specific video). The interface is quite similar to Netflix Party, but the difference is you can talk to your friends with audio.

Visit Kast here.

And there you have it! All you need to do is call your friends and grab your popcorn to enjoy watching shows together even though you're far apart. 

Watch away, and remember to stay safe at home! What are your ways of watching TV shows together while on lockdown?

Jin Dee

Jin Dee is a bitchy witch powered by caffeine, who dreams of a slow life in a cottage surrounded by cats.

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