Rim of the World - An Abundance of Cliché with a Dose of Charm

As with any movie or show with kids as heroes in this post-Stranger Things time, Rim of the World is subject to being compared to everyone's beloved series. When you watch it though, you'll see they have more differences than similarities.

Rim of the World has a bit more diversity and a lot more quips and pop culture references crammed into its 90-minute run time. And since it's not set in the 80's, there’s a whole lot more years of pop culture to mine for material.

This movie is as straightforward as it gets: It’s a good old coming-of-age, sci-fi, adventure where the power of teen friendship saves the world. There are no complicated plots, elaborate twists or open endings.

The best thing Rim of the World has going for it are its adorable and charismatic leads: Alex, Dariush, Gabriel and Zhenzhen. They carry this entire movie on their backs and this is great for people who tend to hang unto the characters more than the story. There may be times when Dariush comes off as obnoxious when they overdo his role as the comic relief, but I guess you could chalk it up to being necessary for his redemption arc.

The monster/alien design is pretty interesting though I wish they'd fleshed out the alien's motives and biology more. The score plays a huge role in keeping the scenes engaging. In terms of pacing, there's a lot of action at the beginning, a lull in the middle and then it picks up again at the end. There are no sad endings here (but there are 4 tragic backstories).

Rim of the World may be predictable as all hell but that can either be a good or bad thing depending on what works for you. It’s familiar elements are what I imagine would draw in an older audience even though it may feel like something aimed at younger teens. I'm not entirely sure if I can call it 'wholesome' and for 'the entire family' however since there are a lot of sexual jokes. There're jokes about sex and eating pussy that can go over a really young kids' head but the cock-sucking ones are a bit harder to dodge.

On the subject of its diversity: as an Asian, it's cool to see an adorable Chinese kid in there who isn’t horribly stereotyped. One or two of the racist jokes at the start are a little cringey but I managed to overlook them when the character herself seemed to react accordingly (read: pissed). Though it would have been better if her strengths weren’t overshadowed by the writers' need to make her (the only girl in the group) a love interest. Alex and Zhenzhen were swearing eternal love to each other after knowing each other for (1) day and they kiss twice. Do these young child actors even feel comfortable kissing each other? Why did they feel the need to contribute to all the already existing media pressuring teens and pre-teens to get into relationships? Let them be kids!

It may not be phenomenal but I still did enjoy this movie. Don’t take it too seriously, don’t focus too much on the details or the voice in your head that sounds suspiciously like a tired cynic and you’ll have a great time.

I give this a 3/5.


I like movies with a reasonable amount of cheese and there's always a special place in my heart for bizarre films.

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