Unicorn Store - Dazzling or Lackluster?

Unicorn Store banner with Brie Larson as Kit.

Unicorn Store is now on Netflix. The film was made in 2017 but thanks to the hype of Captain Marvel, Netflix picked it up recently. 

I don’t really know how to feel about this film and it appears that this film didn’t know what to do with itself either. The moral lesson it tries to convey is stifled by the bland way it decided to present the otherwise touching message of not letting go of one’s childhood dreams and keeping one’s childlike innocence. There is a lack of creativity in a movie that, ironically, places so much weight on the lead character’s artistic vision.

A film like this would have benefited from an Edgar Wright-esque treatment. Ridiculous scenarios, absurd situations and deadpan jokes seamlessly combined with distinctive shots and camera panning, excellent comedic timing, engaging scene transitions and a proper awesome soundtrack. Instead it has… none of those. Let’s go over the main points that didn’t work for me:

Brie Larson as Kit

I liked the casting for everyone save for our protagonist, Kit. Brie Larson was amazing in the only other two films I saw her in: Scott Pilgrim and Kong: Skull Island. So I was baffled in why she felt horribly miscast in this one. Her acting was kind of flat and unconvincing. Maybe since she was the director, she couldn’t judge her own performance as well? This narrative felt more suited to a much younger lady. I'm thinking a teenager or someone who looked the part. Brie doesn’t look old by any means but I couldn’t connect her immature behavior to someone who looked so mature. She also didn’t have much chemistry with anyone else beside Samuel L. Jackson, not even her love interest.

The Awkward Dialogue

The exchanges in this film were unnatural. I wasn’t sure if the moments I laughed were meant to be comedic or they were just so awkward they made me laugh. Instead of being invested in what they were talking about, I found myself thinking, “Where is this conversation going and is it relevant?”


I didn’t even notice the score in this film. I had to look up the OST and it turns out they used a couple of classical music mixed with contemporary ones that sound kinda like stock music.. Nothing distinctive or truly memorable.

Bogus Situations

A lot of times the scenes felt contrived. As far as established, it's a regular world with no supernatural elements save for one, so I assume real-world logic should still apply. As it was, the situations veered too far from what was practical that you had to work harder to suspend your disbelief.

Despite these criticisms, I would of course still encourage that people see this and make their mind up on their own. It might strike a chord with you in a way it didn’t with me. Oh, and if you love Brie Larson, you could probably ignore all its flaws for the sake of seeing her covered in paint, glitter and wearing cutesy outfits.

I give this a 2.5/5


I like movies with a reasonable amount of cheese and there's always a special place in my heart for bizarre films.

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